Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Notes on Essay for Historical Fiction

Open up Microsoft Word and type your essay there.  
I recommend saving it to your student folder.

1. You need an introduction that tells what your book is and who the author is, then makes a statement (the overall main idea for the essay) about the facts behind the fiction. 

2.  You need three or more body paragraphs that discuss what you learned about the real history (real facts) behind the made-up story in your book.  
      You need at least three informal citations in which you tell right in the sentence where you got that information. 

Informal Citation 2012

3.  You need a concluding paragraph that sums up the essay.  Make a statement (concluding sentence) that tells about how real history facts fit with the made-up story (fiction) of the book.

4.  Check through the rubric to make sure you've earned as many points as possible.  If not, revise and edit to earn more points.

5.  a. Print two copies of your essay.

     b. Staple one to the front of the grading rubric. 

     c. Hand both in to the top wire basket.

When you've finished and handed in your essay, see me about visiting the media center to look for nonfiction books. 

Excerpts from Historical Fiction Essays

Wednesday, February 15, 2012 This is the day we had time in the computer lab to type these essays.