Thursday, September 29, 2011

Monday, October 3, 2011

Step 1.   In your composition book, label this entry Positives and Negatives and add today's date.  Create a chart of two columns to list your ideas about what makes it either good or bad that October or Autumn is here:
Positives  (Pro)         Negatives (Con)  

Step 2.  When the teacher directs you to do so, move to your assigned group.  Working with two or three classmates, share your ideas, and decide whether you would like to argue pro or con.  Select the three best reasons from your list and create a paragraph that presents your argument. 

Do's and Don'ts 
Do use complete sentences.
Do use
1) a topic sentence that introduces the topic and makes a statement about it,
2) three supporting details (evidence) in the body of the paragraph,
3) and a conclusion that makes the paragraph feel complete. 

Do not start out using the words "I am going to tell you about. . . " or anything like that.
Do not end with "The End," or "That's all I have to say," or anything like that.
Avoid the word "you."

Write a clean copy of it on a neat piece of lined paper.  Make sure all of your names are on THE BACK OF THE PAGE.  Turn it in to the wire basket.

Paragraphs -- Let's Make Sure You Understand


3.  Reading The Outsiders (and listening to the audio book) --
A1 from page 99 (Chapter 6, 22:31) to  page 104 (Chapter 6, 32:48)
A2 from  page 98 (Chapter 6, 22:21? top of page 98) to page 110 (Chapter 7 -- page 110, nightmare)
A3  from page 93, (Chapter 6, 14:36) to page 101 (Chapter 6, 20:05)
A4 from   page 104, (Chapter 6, 32:0) to page112 (page 110, nightmare 3:00)

List episodes/events in your composition book.   Notice conflict.


Make up for the September Book-of-the-Month Club is available on Thursday, October 6.  Come to Ms. Dorsey's room for Cave Time.  Bring your book and notes.   Because this is a test, you may not do it at home.

When you come to do it, you will go to Friday, September 23, 2011 on this blog.

Scholastic book orders are due by October 14.

Go here to see Stuff about Books that you used or may want to use for your Book-of-the-Month