Spelling test --
Prefix to study: mis- which means incorrect, bad
1. mistake
2. misprint
3. misplace
4. misinform
5. misuse
Extra credit:
Tell what the word parts for this word mean:
1) miso = hate
2) anthrop = man, human being
3) -ist = one who
2. Spelling for next time:
-less = without (This suffix creates adjectives.) Be able to tell which part of speech this suffix creates when you add it to a word base.
( Apostrophes -- (B2 needs to do the apostrophe exercise with Captain Underpants.)
3. Words By Heart
B1 end of chapter one to page 17 after 5 paragraph -- "scared of changes."
B2 from page 15, top of page to page 21.
B4 from page 15, top of page to end of chapter 2
A1 from page 7 4th paragraph to page 14 "you don't need to be told." 2nd paragraph
A2 from very top of page 17 after ". . . is true for her" to to page 20, after 4th paragraph, "arithmetic lesson for tomorrow."
A4 from page 14 "You don't need to be told to page 19, chapter 3.
4. View a few projects
5. Prepare for writing about your historical fiction novel next time. Do you remember your wiki user name and password?