Night At the Museum 2
My daughter and her friend (Emily^2) and I went to see the movie, Night At the Museum 2 today. My daughter says to say that "It was a hoot!"
This movie is fun and funny as it is, but a little background knowledge (also called schema) could it make it even better. If you're going, see if you already know about these people, creatures, art, and events from history:
Custer's Last Stand
The Tuskegee Airmen http://www.tuskegeeairmen.org/
The Thinker (statue)
Motorola -- though there was no Joey Motorola
Amelia Earhart
Aviation History
Al Capone
Ancient Egypt -- Pharaohs, Underworld, Jaffa Kree (Stargate -- My daughter is making a Text-to-text connection)
Ivan the Terrible
The VJ Day Kiss http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Vj_day_kiss.jpg
American Gothic
Abraham Lincoln
Albert Einstein (not as a bobble-head)
monkeys in space
The Wright Brothers
The Jonas Brothers!
and of course
Theodore Roosevelt
Attila the Hun
Roman Legionnaires
tyrannosaurus rex