Monday, November 10, 2008

Book-of-the-Month Assessment

Book-of-the-Month Assessment

On November 10 and 11, students received the assignment for the Book-of-the-Month Assessment for November/December. See the samples on the back of the assignment. The CD cutouts (on cardstock) are available in the classroom. This assignment is due December 10/11.

Book-of-the-Month Rubric: Theme
Overall: No more than 2 points will be awarded for any part of the project unless it meets these requirements:
• computer-generated or hand-designed (no pencil) Text must be typed or written in standard blue or black ink.
• no lined notebook paper
• clearly legible and neat
Part 1: Creative Cover
Include --
• a picture (10 points) – in color -- computer-generated or hand-designed (no pencil) – The picture should relate to the book and/or themes. You may not use an already-created cover or illustration for the book.
• your name, first and last (2 Points – Of course, if there is no name on your assignment, you will receive no points at all) ,
• class period (2 Points),
• date created (2 Points),
• title of your novel (2 Points),
• and the author’s name (2 Points)
⇨If this part is late, you lose 10% for each class period after the due date
Subtotal: 20

Part 2: Music and Dedication
• Song names are written on the CD-shaped handout. (10)
• CD is dedicated to a character in your book. (10) (Give name of character and a phrase describing or explaining dedication = to whom and why.)
⇨If this part is late, you lose 10% for each class period after the due date
Subtotal: 20

Part 3: Lyrics
• The lyrics of your three songs are typed.
• Include the name of the group or individual who performs the song. (10)
• Highlight the lines that share the same theme/themes. (10)
• Write in sentence form the theme expressed in the song. This is a theme also expressed in your novel. (15)
• Your three songs must match the theme(s) of novel (15)
• Your songs are appropriate for the classroom. (No points will be given for songs that are not appropriate.)
⇨If this part is late, you lose 10% for each class period after the due date
Subtotal: 50

Part 4: Presenting
• You are ready to present when called on.
• You speak in a clearly audible and understandable voice.
• Your presentation is enthusiastic and interesting.
Subtotal: 20

Total Points: 110