Monday, October 30, 2017


Conclusion - Outsiders Essay
Student provides a concluding paragraph
5 Outstanding = Reasoning is clear, restates claim and reasons and has a concluding sentence -- may include a call to action
4 restates claim and reasons and has a concluding sentence -- may include a call to action

1 attempts a conclusion

     Therefore, Keith Two-Bit Matthews should be found guilty of shoplifting because he possesses  stolen goods and  because his friends have admitted that when they think of him they think of his shoplifting skills.  Rather than sending him to jail for a long time, the prosecution recommends that the court  give him a short jail sentence and then require him to find employment and pay back the stores for the items he has taken.  This would punish Mr. Mathews for his crimes, and hopefully help a young man change his ways.

A Conclusion -- 

  1. Restate the main idea of your essay, or your thesis statement.
  2. Summarize the three subpoints of your essay.
  3. Leave the reader with an interesting final impression.

or for more complex work: 

1.Restates the main premise (your claim)
2.Presents one or two general sentences which accurately summarise your arguments (reasons)  which support the main premise
3.Provides a call to actions (what should be done), in some cases a general warning of the consequences of not following the premise that you put forward and/or a general statement of how the community will benefit from following that premise.

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