Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Thursday/Friday, December 3/4, 2019

Announcements and Reminders for Thursday/Friday, December 3/4, 2019:

There is nothing like a fresh start -- a new beginning!  
Reminder: We are a 

And beginning now, we are also a 

  Cavetime on Thursday will be in your second-period classes to review Cavetime and emergency procedures. 
     In case of an evacuation, remember that you should find your A1 teacher. 
     Cavetime on Friday will be based on your 
Term 2 grades. 

Make sure you have a composition book to leave in the classroom. 

Targets for Today:
I can come up with reasons to support an argument.
I can write an argument essay. 

Today’s  Agenda for Thursday, December 3, 2019:

Find a seat. 

1. You have a student teacher this semester -- you will be mostly seeing Mrs. Hilton.
She is going to tell you a few things about herself.

2. Play Master Debaters.
Receive a topic to prepare with a small group.
Write a thesis sentence -- claim and two to three reasons.
Prepare for members of your group to stand and debate.
        1. Opening statement -- 30 seconds.
        2. Open debate -- 40 seconds

Sample Topic and Thesis Sentence:

 Your topic:
Is eating a grape at a grocery store stealing? 
You will argue NO.  
Write a thesis sentence:  (This one sentence will include  your claim and give two to three reasons why it is true.) 

Eating a grape at a grocery store is not stealing because a person needs to taste one to know whether they are worth buying, and the store plans on customers tasting the grapes. 

Prepare together for two of you to stand and debate another team on this topic. 

Prepare to 
State, clarify, add evidence and explanation, refute what your opponent says (rebuttal)

3.  You will work on completing your essay about Johnny Cade's guilt or innocence.  You will have time to work on it (just parts of the class period) this time and the next two class times.
  • You will find your introductory paragraph on MyAccess.  You will check it to make sure it has all the parts needed for an effective introduction. 
  • You will write the rest of your essay as a handwritten copy on the pages provided.  
  • You will find the evidence you gathered on a page on CANVAS: "Collected Evidence from the Outsiders."   The original list of suggested quotes is also on a page on CANVAS: "Evidence and Pages for The Outsiders." 
NOTE:  We have given you the transitions to use in your writing.

Argument writing is not easy, but you can do this. 

In your introductory paragraph, make sure you let your reader know that you are talking about the book The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton.  
For instance, 
"Johnny Cade, a character in the novel The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton, has killed an older teenager named Robert Sheldon."

 Reminder about Hooks: 
Questions are overused, and not usually used well!   Do NOT use a question as a hook for this essay!   
You could use 
  • an anecdote that relates to a character or event in the book
  •    [An anecdote is a short and amusing or interesting story that relates to the subject of your essay ]
  • a before-and-after comparison
  • strong or surprising statement
  • brief quote
  • detail or statistic from an authoritative source
  • create a picture in the reader's mind by using descriptive words
  • point out a misconception
  • introduce a simile or metaphor
  • a definition

    Exit Slips:  
    What part or parts of argument writing is still unclear or especially hard for you? 
    Please sign your slip.  

    If You Were Absent:

    See above.
    Here is the outline for writing your argument essay for The Outsiders:


     Help and Enrichment 

    Transition Bank

    One important consideration is. . .

    Another factor to consider. . .
    Equally important. . .

    Most importantly,
    The first thing to remember. . .

    It is important to realize. . .
    It is important to recognize. . .
    Equally important. . . 

    In addition. . .

    Moreover. . .

    Besides. . . .
    A significant. . .

    Another significant. .

    Of greatest significance.

    To begin with. .

    Next. . .

    Another. . .
    However, . . .      On the other hand,      In spite of . . .       Similarly. . .    Likewise. . . 
    Regardless. . .     For instance. . .    For example. . ..  In other words. . .      To illustrate. . .
    Transitions to Conclude or Summarize
    Therefore, . . . .       The logical conclusion is. . . .    In brief. .        In conclusion. . .
      In summary, . . .              In short. . .    To summarize. ..    To conclude. . .      After all. . .