Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Announcements and Reminders:
 Have a wonderful Christmas and a very happy New Year! 

Targets for Today:

I can read and summarize a story. 
I can scan for words in text.
I can recognize parts of  speech. 

Today’s  Agenda:

  1. With a partner, get a Chromebook. 
  2. Go to Canvas, and find the Christmas Assignment. 
  3. Read the directions. 
  4. Go to the site linked there. 
  5. Select a story. 
  6. Read it together or on your own. 
  7. Complete the worksheet for summarizing. 
  8. Hand in the worksheet for a bit of extra credit. 

2.  Do one or two color by verb papers, and/or work on the word search for your class. 

Next semester we will learn about clauses.

No, not these clauses!  

If You Were Absent:


 Help and Enrichment