Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Thursday/Friday, October 4/5, 2018

Announcements and Reminders for Thursday/Friday, October 4/5, 2018   
  •             Picture Retakes are on October 15.
  •             Fall Break is October 18-22.
  •             Sign up for your book-of-the-month (Realistic Fiction) by October 15/16.
  •             The October Book Project is due November 2/5.
      • You will be gathering evidence from the book for possible themes expressed in the book.  You may hand this in BEFORE the due date.  Just make sure you show that you understand theme and have gathered evidence for themes you have identified in your book. 
      • A Few Titles for Contemporary Realistic Fiction in our Media Center and Class Library
      • See the Required Reading tab above for more information. 
October 18-22
Cavetime on Oct. 4 is by Request
for students who wish to retake the
Greek Mythology Test.

Targets for Today:

I can write a narrative (a short story that is either a memory or a fictional story) that effectively tells a sequence of events,  provides details and description, includes helpful dialogue, and is written in complete sentences with beginning capitalization and appropriate end punctuation. 

Today’s  Agenda for Thursday/Friday, October 4/5, 2018:
B-Day Birthday Catch-Up
B-Day Friday Drawings

1. Pick up your composition book.

Conventions in Sentences Investigations 

2. Copy this sentence into your composition book, and write down at least three things you notice about it:   Label it CSI #6 and add today's date.

The moon seemed to hang behind the black mountains, shy and undecided, allowing only a weak glow to show that it was there at all.
                                      -- from Deathwatch by Robb White

[That was a type of figurative language called personification -- of the moon -- speaking about it as if it were a person.]

3. Themes:  from Deathwatch  by Robb White
"To survive in a hostile environment one must rely on intellect more than  physical strength." 

The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it.  -- Albert Einstein

Books like Deathwatch:


4. Writing your story:

Using the Chromebooks, go to MyAccess, open the Prompt "Cherished Memory," and type your story.  As you have time to, revise and edit.

By the end of class, you will "Submit Writing" and "Submit for Score."  
Look at the different scores that MyAccess gives you, and look at the suggestions it provides.  
You may revise and submit multiple times.  You are able to work on this at home. 

Narrative Assignment:  A Short Story
         How long?  Long enough to tell the story and no more than 3 pages long.

Your Prompt:   Cherished Memories

Significant events in a person's life become cherished memories in old age.  Write a narrative in which you describe an event that would make an interesting memory for you to tell your friends or relatives later in your life 
Write a fictional narrative that if it really happened would be memorable.  This will be an interesting story.  

As you write, remember your story will be scored based on how well you:

·  develop a multi-paragraph response to the assigned topic that clearly communicates the purpose of your story to the audience.
·  describe the characters, setting, and conflict using meaningful sensory descriptions and details that enable the reader to visualize the experiences in your narrative.
·  organize your story in a clear and logical manner, including a beginning, middle and end.
·  use well-structured sentences and language that are appropriate for your audience.
·  edit your work to conform to the conventions of standard American English.

Use any of the tools available to you, such as the ChecklistSpellchecker, or Graphic Organizer.

If You Were Absent:

Theme is an underlying message or the big idea of a story. This message could tell more about human nature or life in general. Many stories have more than one theme.
There are several ways a reader can piece together the story's theme. The reader can ask himself or herself these questions:
  • Do the characters learn anything throughout the story?
  • Do the characters change at all?
  • Do the characters have any beliefs about life or people in general?
  • Why do the characters act the way they do?

 Help and Enrichment 

State Core for Narrative Writing:
Writing Standard 3 
Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, relevant descriptive details, and well-structured event sequences.
a.  Engage and orient the reader by establishing a context and point of view and introducing a narrator and/or characters; organize an event sequence that unfolds naturally and logically.
b.  Use narrative techniques, such as dialogue, pacing, and description, to develop experiences, events, and/or characters.
c.  Use a variety of transition words, phrases, and clauses to convey sequence and signal shifts from one time frame or setting to another.  --
d.  Use precise words and phrases, relevant descriptive details, and sensory language to capture the action and convey experiences and events.
e.  Provide a conclusion that follows from and reflects on the narrated experiences or events.

October Book of the Month

Select a book from this genre: 

Realistic Fiction in a Modern Setting

This includes some suggested titles.

                    Here is the list of  Books Not Allowed for the Outside Reading Assignment.

Project:  Theme

You will identify a major theme for the book, 
and support that identification with evidence from the book. 

In the Middle of the Night
This novel follows 16-year-old Denny Colbert, whose father was involved in a tragic accident that killed 22 children. He is not allowed to drive or answer the phone and his family moves so often that he is always the new kid in school. However, one afternoon, Denny disobeys his parents and answers a phone call, after which he finds himself drawn into a relationship with the mystery caller, someone who wants revenge.[1]

Rumble Fish
tells the story of Rusty-James, who resorts to fighting to feel good about himself. It also explores his relationship with his older brother, Motorcycle Boy, a former gang leader he looks up to. 

TEX follows the story of two brothers who have to take care of themselves and each other while their father is off with the rodeo. Mason  is a senior, a basketball star, dedicated and responsible. Tex  is fifteen, unsure of himself, not yet ready to focus on the problems they face. His horse, Rowdy, is the center of his world. 

That Was Then, This Is Now
Best friends become enemies when one accepts violence and crime and the other turns against that life. Bryon and Mark grow up together on the wrong side of the tracks, get into fights, and hustle pool. But Bryon changes, while Mark doesn't.