Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Wednesday/Thursday, September 14/15, 2016

Announcements and Reminders:
Today is the day for your book of the month assessment in class.  Be prepared to write about an external and an internal conflict in your book.

Also be on the lookout for your next Book of the Month! We'll all read something that falls under the genre of Realistic Fiction.  (The story could really happen, but didn't.  Don't chose historical fiction.)       
 Find a definition and suggestions here: Realistic Fiction in a Modern Setting

We'll see you at Parent-Teacher Conferences -- September 15! Come see us somewhere between 3:30 and 8. 

There is a seventh grade assembly on Friday during Cavetime, so get caught up on your work before then.

If you do not finish your book of the month essay today, finish it at home or during Cavetime BEFORE our next class.  Print it, staple it to the front of the yellow sheet, and hand it in at the beginning of class.


Next time your weekly take-home quiz (green) is due, and you will be tested on your spelling words. 

Targets for Today:
Students will be able to identify internal and external conflicts in their Book of the Month.

Students will be able to identify secondary characteristics of characters in The Outsiders.

Today’s  Agenda:

Check out the little meme above. Even though you’re only one person, different groups of people probably see you different ways. Write at least half a page in your Writing Prompt section about how different groups of people see you: your parents, your friends, your siblings, your teammates, your peers at school, etc. How does that make you feel? Which one is right? Or are none of them/all of them right?

The Outsiders! Quick review from last time. What do we know about Cherry? 

This is also the time that we've met most characters and know what they look like. We can look at them on a deeper level now! Start filling in the "Says this..." and "Does this..." sections of your character pages, and look at those details to help you see what kind of person that character is! 

Finish Chapter 2

Go to the lab for the Book of the Month essay. Bring your stuff! 

  • Go to Lab 224 -- the English Writing Lab
  • Your computer number is your folder number. 

If You Were Absent:

Catch up in our reading on The Outsiders. Find a time during Cavetime/before/after school to write the Book of the Month essay.

Reminders and Helps to prepare you to write your essay:

If you did not finish your book of the month essay, finish it at home or during Cavetime BEFORE our next class.  Print it, staple it to the front of the yellow sheet, and hand it in at the beginning of class.

