Announcements and Reminders for Tuesday/Wednesday, February 20/21, 2018:
Slideshows and Book Projects Finish up your book project and/or slideshow (if still needed) as soon as possible. Share the finished Google slideshow with Ms. Dorsey and check for comments from her. Share your book project Google Doc with Ms. Dorsey, check for comments, revise and edit as needed, then print the document and attach it to the front of your rubric. Jan BookoftheMonth 2018.docx How They Croaked Teaching Project Rubric.docx Link to the Sample Slideshow:' Nonfiction Book Project Our new book project is nonfiction. We will be going to the media center on Thursday and Friday of this week. There are also nonfiction books available for checkout from our classroom. Pick a book and start reading. You will be looking for one or more central ideas in your book and how the central ideas are supported by details in the book. For instance, in the movie, The Greatest Showman, P.T. Barnum learns that the most important goal in life is to develop caring relationships with others. We could find many details in the movie that support that idea. Recommended Nonfiction
Don't forget to complete your eighth-grade registration by February 26.
Targets for Today:
Today’s Agenda for Tuesday/Wednesday, February 20/21, 2018:
The counselors will come into class to hand out your eighth-grade registration forms!
A1 8:15-8:45 Mrs. May
A2 9:30 - 10:10 Ms. Bartlett
B5 8:15-8:45 Ms. Lyman
B7 12:05-12:35 Mr. Sannar
Using Transitions in Informational Writing
Writing can be like a train: there are multiple thoughts and pieces,
but they need to be connected and explained.
The thoughts are like train cars,
but without transitions to connect them together,
they won’t be effective or “go anywhere!”
![]() Group Practice! Write your revised sentences in your Writer’s Notebook under Notes and Quickwrites. Show relationships among each set of sentences using words (transitions) that show the relationships among the parts. You will most likely want to combine some of the sentences.
1. Harry’s Aunt and Uncle hate him. They are scared of his magic.
They left him alone that summer.
2. Hermione is the brightest witch her age. She is difficult to get along with.
3. Polyjuice Potion lets people who drink it look like someone else. Harry and Ron drank some Polyjuice Potion. They were able to sneak into the Slytherin common room and spy on Draco.
4. I think Snape is a good teacher. He pushes his students to work hard. He knows his subject. He doesn’t smile. He saves Harry’s life, which is most important.
5. It is a good thing that Hermione married Ron. Her biggest fights were always with Ron. Harry was too self-centered to notice her.
Sentences for Practice Using Transitions -- Suggested Answers to the above assignment A1 worked to here. A2 did two or three of the example sentences. B5 worked through three of the example sentences B7 Completed sentences -- choosing between 4 and 5. Transitions: If time: On the next page of your writer’s notebook, write a paragraph explaining how a Harry Potter character is interesting, evil, powerful, . . .. If you have a rant about how evil Snape or Umbridge are, or about why you think Neville is a hero, now’s your chance to write it down! (If you don’t know or like Harry Potter, answer the same prompt using characters from your favorite movie.) Make sure to use at least 3 transitions and to guide your reader as you write.
Conventions in Sentences Investigations
1. CSI: Investigation by Sentence Combining
1. People begin to recycle. They generate much less trash. 2. Joshua politely asked his mother. She would not give him any money. 3. It snowed so much yesterday. The drive to Salt Lake City was frightening. AAAWWEUBBIS although, after, as, when, while, even though, until, before, because, if, since Note: Remember that when an AAAWWEUBBIS is placed at the beginning of a sentence, it causes a comma -- as in this sentence. If you're not getting this, try this video:
Even though
If You Were Absent:
Study the materials above.
Contact Ms. Dorsey or the counseling office to ask for your registration materials for eighth grade. |
In writing, cohesion is the use of repetition, pronouns, transitional expressions, and other devices called cohesive clues to guide readers and show how the parts of a composition relate to one other. --
cohesion: " the action or fact of forming a united whole." noun: "the act or state of cohering, uniting, or sticking together" ( (Does this remind you of the word "adhesive" as in glue? Both words have to do with sticking something together. Basically, "co-" means together, and the "hesion" part means stick. |
Communication Skills for Teens
Body Language – You might not realize it, but what you do tells people how you feel about them just as much as what you say. Your body language silently communicates things to people around you. What are you communicating?
· Looking around while someone is talking — This is a cue that you are not interested in what someone is saying. Focus on the person who is talking.
· Looking at your phone or answering a text while someone is talking — Believe it or not, that phone call or text can wait. Nothing on your phone is more important than the person you are talking to. If you must answer the phone, make your conversation as brief as possible. Remember, the person in front of you is important!
· Look people in the eye — Looking someone in the eye is one of the best listening skills to develop. This really helps people know that you care about what they are saying and that you are engaged in the conversation. Don’t be embarrassed. This one skill will change the way people think about you!
Social Skills
· Ask people about themselves — Don’t make conversations all about you. Show interest in other people. Learn what is important to them.
· Learn people’s names, and use them — People love hearing their names. They will notice that you remember their name.
· Keep your head up, smile, and say, “Hello!” — Look around and notice people around you! Smile at them. Say, “Hello.” If you notice something has changed for the better about someone, let them know. Everyone loves a compliment, and everyone loves to be noticed.
Help and Enrichment:
Transition Words More About Types of Phrases Conjunctions and Kinds of Sentences Conventions of the Week #5.docx
Labeling for Types of Sentences and Types of Clauses
Conjunctions |