Sunday, February 25, 2018

Monday/Tuesday, February 26/28, 2018

Announcements and Reminders for Monday/Tuesday, February 26/28, 2018:
Tomorrow  (February 27) is your day to job-shadow.  Come back to school on Wednesday!

Leave (or put back) your composition books in your haning folders.

Book Sign-Ups are due February 28!  
Literary Nonfiction

If you  weren't here to get the Nonfiction Book-of-the-Month Assignment, you can download it from here:

Finding the Central Idea Graphic Organizer.docx

Recommended Nonfiction

See the tab above for required reading for more information. 

Targets for Today:

I can recognize simple, compound, and complex sentences.

I can recognize these expository (informational) text structures:
descriptive, cause and effect, comparison/contrast,  sequence (and chronological), problem and solution.

Today’s  Agenda for Monday/Tuesday, February 26/28, 2018:

Leave your composition books in their hanging folders. 

1.  Quiet, individual reading time -- If you can, use this time to read your nonfiction books. 

If you have not picked a book yet, sample the nonfiction books available on the rolling table at the front of the room.  

2.  Sign-up for your nonfiction books -- by Wednesday, February 28. 

3. Sentence Types Practice. 
Students practiced recognizing simple, compound, and complex sentences. 
Here are a couple of games for practice with sentence types: 

4. Students practiced recognizing expository text structures.  

    Note that Sequence and Chronological are different because sequence shows the order of what repeatedly happens (the metamorphosis of a butterfly) or what should happen (recipes or science experiments or assembling a bicycle).

 Chronological order, on the other hand, is about what happened.  Example:  You were born, then you learned to talk and walk, then you went to kindergarten, then first grade, and so on.  It’s time order using days, weeks, months, years. 

If You Were Absent:

See above.  


 Help and Enrichment 

More About Types of Phrases

Text Structure Resources