Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Thursday/Friday, November 10/11, 2016

Announcements and Reminders:

Don't forget to wear a school spirit shirt (or wear red) on Friday! Happy School Spirit Day!

Grab your composition books and your argument packets.

If you did not finish writing your evidence/explanation last time, use this time now.

If you did write BOTH paragraphs with explanation and evidence, then you will read your Book of the Month.

Targets for Today:

I can write a counterclaim for my essay.

Today’s  Agenda:

Finish writing your two paragraphs with evidence and explanation. If you have finished, this is time for Silent Reading!

Are you ready for some practice with Counterclaim and Rebuttal? You will have a whole paragraph to include these in your essay!

If You Were Absent:

Make sure you have your introduction, body paragraphs, and your counterclaim/rebuttal paragraph. Turn this in for feedback from the teacher!!

cohesion:  the action or fact of forming a united whole.    Cohesion, or coherence, is the intangible glue that holds paragraphs together. Having good coherence in a writing project means that your ideas stick together and flow smoothly from one sentence to the next, so that readers of your work can easily understand where you are taking them.

More information on Counterclaim:
Counterclaim Example HF.pptx See especially slides 5 and 19 for examples.
More on Counterclaim and Rebuttal:  Counter Argument/Concession Words

And here is a way to practice argument vocabulary:

Counterclaim Sentence Starters:
Some people might say that…
Others think that…
People who disagree say…

Even though...

Rebuttal Sentence Starters:
But… (go back to your opinion)
However,... (go back to your opinion)
That is false because...