When you receive papers back, carefully look at them.
Save graded papers until you have received your term grade.
When you receive your graded book project, if you need to redo it, or wish to for more points, attach your new copy to the graded one.
When I point out spelling words you should learn, copy them into your composition book on the page for editing tips for you (page 39+).
F.Y.I.: The dedication in a book is NOT the intended audience.

read for the 40 Book Challenge. Bring your chart and tell me about your books.
Don't forget to hand in your book project if you haven't yet.
Our next spelling test is on September 29/30.
on a lot/allot/and NOT alot, were/we’re/where, then/than, cause/because
If you need to retake the text structure test, pick up the homework packet.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Today's Activities:
1. iRead -- Individual Reading Time (10-15 minutes)
Next month's book assignment is based on Realistic Fiction. Realistic fiction books are gathered in the front of the classroom. We will be going to the media center as a class today.
Realistic fiction will have --
characters that could really exist in our world
settings that could really exist in our world
events that could really happen in our world
Realistic fiction will NOT have --
talking animals
imaginary creatures presented as real in the world of the story
things that haven't yet been invented
events that haven't yet happened
characters that could really exist in our world
settings that could really exist in our world
events that could really happen in our world
Realistic fiction will NOT have --
talking animals
imaginary creatures presented as real in the world of the story
things that haven't yet been invented
events that haven't yet happened
3. iWriteRight --
CSI American Fork Now Investigating: Conventions in Sentences Investigation Your sentence: Copy this sentence into your composition book. Pocahontas was only eleven years old when she met [John] Smith, and he left the New World two years later.
-- How They Croaked, page 52-53
Notice everything you can about the above sentence.
No more points for capital letters at the beginning of the sentence
or periods at the end.
It is a correct sentence (I hope), so you are not looking for errors (I hope).
A Few Contemporary Realistic Fiction Books
Students received this list:
Some Contemporary Realistic Fiction Books You Might Like to Read.docx
B6 looked at editing pointers for book project
B6 worked on their posters
need more info on Central Idea
B6 looked at editing pointers for book project
B6 worked on their posters
need more info on Central Idea