Thursday, September 18, 2008

Wow! Another Extra Credit Opportunity!

Never expires.
Have you learned about metaphors and similes? Extra credit is available to students who find and capture metaphors and similes from their reading. A reward (extra credit points) is currently available for the capture of these valuable creatures.

Include the metaphor or simile, where you found it, and a page number (if appropriate).

For example, this sentence from The Outsiders uses a metaphor: "I couldn't have gotten much cooler without turning into a popsicle." (page 53) It's not literally true that he would turn into a popsicle. This is figurative language -- a metaphor -- comparing two unlike things to help the reader understand what it was like to be that cold.

On page 54, we find this simile:
"Johnny was scared to death. I mean it. He was as white as ghost . . . "