Don't forget to hand in your (yellow) reading log for the week. These should be handed in every Thursday or Friday. Each day you read (at least five days a week), write a summary that clearly tells what happened in the book, and add an impression (noticing), connection, or wondering (question).
Today we are doing a "Walk-About" to collect sentences using our seventh grade confusing words. Students will create a chart with words and meanings, then walk around to see student-created mini-posters, collecting sample sentences for those words.
We will also continue to read and discuss The Outsiders.
Do you have your opinionaire?
Did you watch for exposition in the first chapter?
Are you noticing the conflicts in the book?
The classes have read The Outsiders to these pages:
B1 page 24
B2 page 22
B3 page 27
A1 page 25
A2 page 26
Don't forget to bring your binder to class. We will be having random binder-checks.

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If you don't have your school planner, you don't have your hall passes.
If you don't have your school planner, you don't have those handy places to write down assignments and other reminders.
Be a tuff, cool dude! Carry your planner.