Today we'll check out the tableaux created by the students last time for a scene from The Outsiders. Who did the best job of recreating the scene from the book? -- Oops! We didn't get this done because of technical difficulties.
Students are taking a quiz on more homophone pairs. Study it’s/its, led/lead, right/rite/write.
They are also practicing recognizing the different types of conflict:
Man vs. Man Man vs. Nature Man vs. the Unknown Man vs. Self Man vs. Society
We are reading from The Outsiders.
B1 - to page 71
B2 -- to page 72
B3 -- to page 73
A1 -- to page 73
A2 -- to page 72

For B-Day, today is a day to hand in your reading logs for the week! A-Day classes should have handed in theirs yesterday.