Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Wednesday/Thursday, March 20/21, 2019

Announcements and Reminders for Wednesday/Thursday, March 20/21, 2019:

And today,
March 20,  is Lois Lowry's birthday! 

Targets for Today:

I can analyze the interactions between Jonas and the setting in a silent discussion.
I can analyze the topic of choice and how it relates to the essential question  

Today’s  Agenda for Wednesday/Thursday, March 20/21, 2019:

Essential Question:  What Makes Life Meaningful?
         Are the potential rewards of choice worth the risk?

Read Chapters 12 -13 in The Giver.
Silent Discussion
Choice T-Chart and Simulation

1. Read this poem and discuss   "The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost
       by Robert Frost

Pair Discussion Questions about the poem "The Road Not Taken" --
  1. The poem uses two roads as a metaphor for choice. What other metaphor could be used for choice? 
  2. Have you ever struggled between two equally good choices? Explain. 
  3. What is your favorite line and why?  
  4. What do you think the speaker means when he says, "And that has made all the difference"?  Do you think the difference is positive or negative?   Support your answer with evidence from the poem.  
  5. What choices in your life will make "all the difference"?  
2. Listen to chapters 12 and 13 of The Giver.
3. Silent Discussion Questions:

  • Jonas feels he's being cheated because he doesn't have any choice. "It's not fair. .. "  What are some of the rewards of choice that he's missing out on? 
  • Jonas says, "We really have to protect people from wrong choices."  Do you agree or disagree?  Why or why not?  
  • "It's the choosing that's important." Why is choice important? 
  • What if people chose wrong?  What are some bad things that could happen?  What are some good things that could happen? 

Assignment:  T-Chart and 25 Choices -- due next time
Choice Lesson.pdf

If You Were Absent:
These materials are also available on Canvas.
  • Discuss with a family member or friend, then write your answers to the pair discussion questions about the poem "The Road Not Taken."  You will turn those in -- to the wire basket for your class after you add your answers for the silent discussion. 
  • Read chapters 12 and 13 of The Giver.   https://archive.org/details/TheGiverFullBook/page/n1
  • Write your answer to each of the silent discussion questions on the same page as your answers about the poem.  
  • Complete this assignment by next time:  Choice Lesson.pdf


 Help and Enrichment 

Symbolism:  Colors can be symbolic.  Consider whether the colors spoken of in The Giver have symbolism. 

Later:  I can write explanation that shows how a piece of evidence supports a point.