Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Wednesday/Thursday, August 30/31, 2017

Announcements and Reminders  for Wednesday/Thursday, August 30/31, 2017:

Disclosure Document Signatures (and VIP form)  are due today. 
Pick up the packet of articles and the instruction sheet from the front student desks.

Are you studying for your spelling test next week?  
One way to study is to break the names and words into parts:
Example:  Sid - do - way  
                 tech -no-log -y    
This list may be helpful in gathering your spelling information: Teacher List.docx

Don't forget to hand in your disclosure signatures, VIP form (on the back of the disclosure signatures), and your composition book.  

School Pictures will be taken during math classes on Thursday and Friday, August 31 and September 1. You should have received your picture packets.  If not, check with the main office, or Mrs. Dorsey. 

Cavetime will begin on Tuesday, September 5. 

Scholastic Book Orders:  If you'd like to order Scholastic Books online, and benefit our classroom, go to http://pcool.scholastic.com/parentordering/login.jspregister, and enter code GKLJW.
To order through me without going online, bring me the filled out order form and a check written to Scholastic Book Orders. 
I'll be sending in orders on September 15, or sooner if I receive orders totalling $25 or more.
Order forms are available on the back counter near the door.

We will be working in the computer lab on August 30/31. Please make sure your parents have given you permission (on Skyward) to use computers and the Internet at school.  

Don't forget to be studying for your spelling test on September 6/7.                    

Targets for Today:

I can show what I know about writing an argument essay.
I can do my best on an assessment of my reading skills. 

Today’s  Agenda: 

Hand in (to the top wire basket if you brought them today) 
your disclosure document 
and composition book.

A1:  The RI was not working today.  We will do that later.
Also,  MyAccess was not working, so we will need to finish our essays on another day and transfer them to MyAccess. 
A2 will take the RI another day. 
B5 will take the RI another day.

Disclosure Document Signatures (and VIP form)  are due today. 

Today we go to the English Department's Computer Writing Lab.
We will (hopefully) complete two tasks:
1. Write an argument essay.
2. Take the  RI -- Reading Inventory -- an online  adaptive student assessment program that measures reading skills.  (If the RI is not working today, we will do it another day.)

Here are your instructions:  
Receive your folder/computer number,
Receive a packet of information to use as you write your argument essay.
Leave your backpacks in the classroom,
Take a book to read in case you finish early, and a pencil for notes. 
Walk QUIETLY to the lab. 

Computer Writing Lab 224 --
is near Ms. Siddoway's classroom. 

In the lab we will have a quiet, individual working time. 
If you need help ask your teacher or Mrs. Dansie, our computer lab specialist. 

Sit down at your assigned computer.
Log in to the computer using your active directory login:
User name: What comes in your school email BEFORE the @
Password:  The password you set.

Log into MyAccess

Login Directions for MyAccess

Select the prompt about Teen Responsibility. 
You have one hour to write an argument essay. 

We will need to do the RI another day.   Then do the Reading Inventory Assessment.  (If it is working.) 
Log in to the RI using
Username: YourStudent #
Password:  YourStudentNumber@AFjh  (uppercase AF, lower case jh)

Taking the RI Test

sample question: 

If You Were Absent:

See above.  You will need to schedule a time with Ms. Dorsey to take the computer lab tests.  Cavetime will be a possibility.

Don't forget your spelling test on September 6/7. 
Use this document to list your spelling words for our first test:  Personal Spelling Quiz List.doc
Here are some suggestions for studying:  Procedure for Studying Spelling Words.doc

A1:  The RI was not working today.  We will do that later.
Also,  MyAccess was not working, so we will need to finish our essays on another day and transfer them to MyAccess. 
A2 will take the RI another day. 
