Friday, March 20, 2015

Friday, March 20, 2015

Happy First Day of Spring!

Today's Activities:
1. Individual Reading -- Your choice.

By the way, your next book assignment is again your choice of genres among novels.

1a. B-Day: Quick review of Counter Argument/Opposing View

2.  A Quick History of the English Language

If you are absent, you can complete this work by watching the PowerPoint and filling out the cloze exercise that goes with it. 
Here is the PowerPoint: 

And here is the cloze document to fill out:

Fill out the cloze document, and hand it in.  It goes on Term 4.

-- and just for fun --

3.  Creating a magical study guide for the word parts you need to learn.
          Can you follow directions?
          How can you learn our twenty important word parts?

Create your magical study guide.  Make sure your name is on it, and hand it in.  It goes on Term 4.
If you are absent you may make one when you return.