When you're preparing gifts for the seventh graders at American Fork Junior High, please consider books, and adding some pencils and pens to their stockings. How about the types of books your seventh grader already loves, and books that could be used for Book-of-the-Month assignments. Next semester we'll be focusing on historical fiction, and literary (well-written) nonfiction including many biographies, autobiographies, and other informational books. In fourth term we will probably focus on these two genres: realistic fiction and fantasy. See our class lists of recommended books.

Have a wonderful Christmas and New Years!
Ms. Dorsey
P.S. Magazine subscriptions also make great gifts. There are many magazines that focus on topics your seventh grader would find interesting.
Recommended Books
Use the search feature (or looks through the archive) on this blog to find some of the posts where I recommend books, such as the following:
Summer Reading Lists
Recommended Historical Fiction Books
The books used then for book groups may or may be used that way again.
A Reminder for the January Book Assignment -- from 2009
To find our lists of recommended books, go to
To recommend that a book be added to one of the lists, email me at dorsc405@alpine.k12.ut.us.
Include the title of the book, the author, the genre, and why you recommend it.
Here is a blog about books for children and young adults: http://childlitbookclub.blogspot.com/