Friday, December 12, 2014

Friday, December 12, 2014

Announcements and Reminders:
  • The deadline for all late work and extra credit is December 19.
  • If you haven't yet signed up for your December book -- fantasy or science fiction -- sign up as soon as possible.  The project is due by January  6. 
  • If you did not do well on the Main Idea, Broader Idea, Narrower Idea assignment, ask for a new copy you can use to redo it.  You could come to Cave Time today to complete that.  
1. iWrite:  In your composition book, under Notes and QuickWrites, answer this prompt: 
  • Have you ever felt like an outsider?  Tell about it. If not, tell about a time you observed someone else being treated like an outsider.
  • Audience:  Mainly yourself.  You will not have to share out loud unless you choose to.   
  • Purpose: Using writing to think through something, and perhaps to share your experience and observations.  
  • Task: Write a  paragraph (or more if you wish) with 
    • a topic sentence
    • supporting details
    • and a conclusion.
      • (Sample conclusion: "Because I've felt like an outsider, I can understand other people who feel as if they are outsiders.")
  • Write in first person -- using I, me, my -- if you are telling your own experience.
  • Write in third person -- using he, she, her, his, him -- if you are telling about someone else. 
2. iRead:  When you have finished writing your paragraph,  take the time to read your fantasy or science fiction book.
Alone or With Others?

3.   Your book assignment for December will ask you to find a THEME in your book. 
       A theme is a life lesson or message expressed in a book or story or essay.
         In nonfiction, we call the biggest ideas  CENTRAL IDEAS.
         In fiction/literature, we call the biggest ideas THEMES.

To help you understand how to find a theme in literature, you will participate in a theme exercise:
     Giving Advice to an Outsider. 

  • Read a story about a situation that could happen in real life.
  • Pretend you are the author of that story.
  • Pretend also that you have a job as an advice columnist.
  • Your task will be to answer a letter sent to your advice column.
  • You will work in pairs (with your elbow partner) to answer the letter, as if you were the author of the story about Gabrielle and Jessica. 
  • Each of you will write your answer in your composition book.
  • Write your answer as a response to Perplexed: "Dear Perplexed, . . ."
  • Now, what if . . . .
What if the story had ended this way: 
Jessica laughed nervously. "I guess you won't have time for me anymore not that you're a star," she said quietly. 
Gabrielle says,
"I'm so sorry.  We can still sit together sometimes, but today I need to sit with Heather and Katie.  I'll call you though."

4. Receive book assignment -- December Book Assignment.docx

Lists: Fantasy and Science Fiction Novels

5. (If time -- composition book check.  If not, we will complete that composition book check next time.)