B6: Olivia and Tyler
B5 Needs to finish SAGE
B7 Needs to finish SAGE
B8 Needs to finish SAGE
Today’s Agenda:
1. Receive Assignment for April/May Book Assessment (Receive the yellow handout and see further down this post.) B2 Only: SAGE Testing -- Final Day for B2 B1, B3, B4: If you need to finish testing -- We will be able to send some of you to Ms. John in Lab 211. Book Interview presentations -- Those who wish to present for the whole class. Building Sentences -- Phrases and Clauses -- with Ian for B7? and B8 Book Interviews for the March Book of the Month -- while the other students are finishing their magical study guides and finishing the How They Croaked assignment. While students are presenting individually or in small groups, those who are not will be completing these items.
If you were absent:
See above.
Arrange to make up testing. Plan to come in during Cave Time or after school to complete your magical study guide and the How They Croaked assignment. If you have lost your assignment sheet and sheet of questions for the March Book of the Month Assignment, see the Required Reading tab above. You can download those papers from there -- or here: March Book Assessment 2014.doc Examples for the book project: Your March Book Project For the April Book Assignment, see below in this post. |
April-May Book Assessment

Graphic or other highly illustrated novels will not work for this month.
Check with me if you're not sure whether or not a book will work.
You will select a scene from the book to present in class -- to the whole class or in a small group.
To prepare:
(Sign up for your book.)
1. Select a scene that stands out to you. It might be exciting or fun or show what a character is like or show the conflict in the book.
2. As you read, notice how you visualize the scene, and where you see it from.
- What do you see happening?
- Are you watching it as if watching a movie or television show?
- Do you become the main character?
- Are you standing near or at a distance away from the action?
- Are you watching from above or some other position?
3. Consider how you could symbolically portray the characters, setting, actions, and objects in the scene.
What colors would represent the characters, setting, actions, and mood of the scene?
What shapes would represent the characters, setting, actions, and mood of the scene?
What simple materials could you use to represent the characters, setting, actions, and mood of the scene?
4. Consider how you could best summarize the scene.
4. Watch for demonstrations and instructions to come.
Book recommendations: http://cavemanenglish.pbworks.com/w/page/8952526/Recommended%20Books
This post originally published 3-28-2014.
This post originally published 3-28-2014.