Monday, December 2, 2013

Another Effective Theme Letter for the November Book Assessment

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Application to self

American Fork junior High School                            
Room 219                                                                                                      
Period B1                                                                            
November 25, 2013                                                               

Dear Ms. Dorsey,

        The book I read was The Fire Chronicle by John Stephens. A major theme in my book is this: "A smaller or weaker person can triumph over those who are larger and stronger if he or she has courage and keeps trying."

        In The Fire Chronicle, Michael, Emma, and Kate are orphans who find out that magic is real. They must do what ever it takes to keep the enemies from getting the Books of Beginning. Kate has the Emerald Atlas, but has magically disappear into the past. Sometimes they are the smaller and weaker ones, but they still stand up to the bad guys.

        For example, Kate takes an undead warrior called a Screecher into the past to try and stop it, and protect Michael and Emma from being taken to the enemy. This shows her standing up to people that are stronger than her. Because she was brave and had resources she was able to stop the Screecher from harming her brother and sister. That shows she was willing to help her brother and sisters and protetct them from the enemies.

        Also, Michael must go into the volcano to face the dragon. The reason being is one of the 3 Books of Beginning are in the volcano. Also the book is the only way to save Emma. If that is not small standing up to powerful, then I don't know what is! In the volcano the dragon wants to eat Michael, this is what Michael had to say about it:"I'm afraid" he was trying to maintain his confident tone. "You can't eat me."

        Michael heals a guardian of the book to save him from the wounds of time and greed. He is also willing to help the elf princess when she is dying from being shot by the enemies' arrows. This shows Michael standing up to the more powerful and stronger.  

        At the end of the book Michael has courage and stands up to the big boss of the bad guys to get his sister back from him. All of these times the children stand up to toughened and seemingly impassable.  

        For me when I have to stand up to the impenetrable I keep looking up and try to keep going. I do what I can and stand up to the hardness. An example of this would be when I have lots of homework I can stand up to it and get it done. I can overcome the challenge of failing to do my work and fighting the strong by being tall and persisting.

        Also, if there is a bully I can stand up to him/her and tell them to stop. Perhaps I could even stand up to bullies that are bulling other people. Or I can stand up to my friends and tell them if they should stop doing something. Anyone that is in the minority or is weak or small can triumph hard things and stronger people if they keep trying and has courage. This is what I've learned from The Fire Chronicle.


Tyler G.  (last name removed for Internet use)

and another great letter -- 

American Fork Junior High School
Room 219
Period B7
November 30, 2013

Dear Ms.Dorsey,

        I'm reading Mister Monday by Garth Nix. The main theme in this book is: "If you believe in yourself, anything is possible."   

        In Mister Monday, Arthur Penhaligon is an asthmatic young boy who was about to die from an asthma attack when Mister Monday gave him the lesser key of the lower house, and he survived. Multiple times throughout the book, Arthur is facing some type of problem, in which he has basically no chance in solving but, he believes he can do it, and he figures it out. To prove this theme, here are some examples.

        First of all, Arthur had to take the improbable stair, (You imagine stairs in front of you while holding one of the keys and jump on it, and hope it'll take you to the improbable stair) and Suzy was doubting him. But Arthur believed he could do it, and it worked! So even though his friend didn't believe, just because he believed, it worked.

        Second of all, Arthur had to walk on a spider wire, a wire that is about as thick as a finger and sticks to your feet. He is scared at first but then gets over it. But then The Will told him that the spider wire is temporary and will go down in a couple minutes. Even though they were only halfway, (and above boiling lava) he ran faster and faster and believed he could do it, he made it just in time!

        Lastly, at the end of the book Arthur is fighting Mister Monday. As he is fighting, the greater key of the lower house plunges into his chest! Even though he should be on the ground, in immense pain, he keeps fighting! He believed that he could win despite the circumstances, and he succeeded.

        In conclusion, I can use the theme: "If you believe in yourself, anything is possible." in my everyday life. I could believe in myself more often in simple things like being more confident when I sing in public. I can also believe in accomplishing long-term goals like getting a scholorship, pursuing my dreams, etcetera. Or if I face a big problem I could have more confidence that I will overcome it. It might also be helpful to help other people believe in themselves, and help them be more confident.

Janae G.