Monday, December 21, 2009

December 22, 2009, and January 4, 2010

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Important Notices:
All late or revised work is due the day you come back from vacation.
Study all of our prefixes and suffixes that we've tested on so far, and also the spelling words that go with them.  We will have a test over all of them after we return from vacation.
Make sure you finish/revise, as needed, your research projects.  Follow directions.
Also, as needed, finish and/or revise your wiki book review.

1. Words By Heart Video
B1 (Basketball Games)
B2 (to minute 43)
B4 (to minute 58)

A1  (to minute 39)  I've got me a hand now that can work circles around the two of you. . . "
A2  (to minute  55)  Mrs. Chism playing the player piano.
A4  (to minute  42) Mrs. Chism beating the rug. 

2. Wrote a brief summary in your composition book of the part of the video you watched.

3. Played Sparkle to study the prefixes and suffixes and spelling words that go with them.